BAAT usernames and passwords
BAAT access is only granted to members of the Norge digitalt partnership. This partnership involves national and regional members (both documents in Norwegian).
Members can apply for a username and password using our registration form (in Norwegian).
Use of data and services available through Geonorge and Geonorge services, usernames and passwords beyond what has been agreed will result in loss of access. Members undertakes to familiarise themselves with and comply with restrictions specified in the legislation, regulations and contracts concluded.
Special terms and conditions are applicable to Norge digitalt teaching sites.
Here is a list of responsible individuals at teaching sites (document in Norwegian).
Map data distributors
Users who are not members of Norge digitalt can buy data from distributors. See the list of map data distributors at
Conditions for access to cadastral information
Norge digitalt members requiring access to cadastral information described in the Act relating to the registration of property, section 30, third paragraph (the Cadastre Act) (in Norwegian) and the Regulation on disclosure, use and other processing of information from the land registry and cadastral information, section 3, second paragraph (the disclosure regulation) (in Norwegian) do not need to document usage.
If the members are to use information other than that described in the disclosure regulation, section 3, second paragraph, it is necessary to document the fact that the member's use falls under one of the authorisations for disclosure pursuant to the Cadastre Act, section 30, first and second paragraphs.
The members are themselves responsible for sending notification of use to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority that is required pursuant to the Personal Data Act. Such notification must be sent at least 30 days before using data. If any notification or concession is required for processing by the member, a copy of the notification or concession must be enclosed: cf. the Cadastre Act regulation, section 12, second paragraph.
Apply for access to cadastral information as a Norge digitalt partner (in Norwegian).
Find out more about standard terms and conditions for intermunicipal companies' use of personal ID numbers (PDF) (in Norwegian).