
The most important references for locating and downloading Geonorge data are listed below.

Information is also provided on how to use the various types of map data, and how data owners can access this data.

Usernames and passwords

Most Geonorge data is openly available, but some of the data requires a BAAT username and password to download it. This access is available to Norge digitalt parties, while others have to consult distributors.

BAAT usernames and passwords

BAAT access is only granted to members of the Norge digitalt partnership. This partnership involves national  and regional members (both documents in Norwegian).

Members can apply for a username and password using our registration form (in Norwegian).

Use of data and services available through Geonorge and Geonorge services, usernames and passwords beyond what has been agreed will result in loss of access.  Members undertakes to familiarise themselves with and comply with restrictions specified in the legislation, regulations and contracts concluded.

Special terms and conditions are applicable to Norge digitalt teaching sites.

Here is a list of responsible individuals at teaching sites (document in Norwegian).

Map data distributors

Users who are not members of Norge digitalt can buy data from distributors. See the list of map data distributors at

Conditions for access to cadastral information

Norge digitalt members requiring access to cadastral information described in the Act relating to the registration of property, section 30, third paragraph (the Cadastre Act) (in Norwegian) and the Regulation on disclosure, use and other processing of information from the land registry and cadastral information, section 3, second paragraph (the disclosure regulation) (in Norwegian) do not need to document usage.

If the members are to use information other than that described in the disclosure regulation, section 3, second paragraph, it is necessary to document the fact that the member's use falls under one of the authorisations for disclosure pursuant to the Cadastre Act, section 30, first and second paragraphs.

The members are themselves responsible for sending notification of use to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority that is required pursuant to the Personal Data Act. Such notification must be sent at least 30 days before using data. If any notification or concession is required for processing by the member, a copy of the notification or concession must be enclosed: cf. the Cadastre Act regulation, section 12, second paragraph.

Apply for access to cadastral information as a Norge digitalt partner (in Norwegian).

Find out more about standard terms and conditions for intermunicipal companies' use of personal ID numbers (PDF) (in Norwegian).

Coordinate systems

Geonorge aims to supply user-friendly data and services so that the necessary access to appropriate coordinate systems is available to users. Municipalities, counties and land-based operations, polar regions and sea areas, and certain specialist environments all have different needs.

Coordinate systems for files - land and coast

UTM Euref89 are the standard coordinate systems for distributions in Norway. Various zones are used: zone 33 for nationwide data, while municipalities normally uses zones 32 in Southern Norway, 33 in Nordland and Troms, and 35 in Finnmark.

The files available for land and coast-based data in Geonorge are as follows:

  • Nation wide data are in UTM zone 33

Local zones:

  • UTM zone 32 - municipalities in Innlandet, Oslo, Viken, Vestfold og Telemark, Agder, Rogaland, Vestland, Møre og Romsdal, Trøndelag.
  • UTM zone 33 - municipalities in Nordland and the Troms-part of Troms og Finnmark
  • UTM zone 35 - municipalities in the Finnmark-part of Troms og Finnmark.

Marine, environmental and measurement data

Data covering the large sea areas, measurement data linked with meteorology and oceanography, etc. can use the standard UTM variants in many situations, but they often use other coordinate systems as well. Geographical coordinate systems are used or UTM with other zones, e.g. zones 34 and 36.

Polar requirements

Polar regions use a number of special coordinate systems and projections. Special versions can be used which have central projection points further north, e.g. LAEA versions. It is also common to use circumpolar projections, e.g. of Artic SDI. Norwegian agencies supplying data for such use must ensure that they offer such coordinate systems.

The oil industry

The oil industry is still using ED50 and so a certain amount of data is offered in accordance with this.


 INSPIRE (the European Spatial Data Infrastructure) requires data and services to be supplied using different coordinate systems. UTM is accepted. Norwegian offerings therefore meet this requirement. However, INSPIRE also requires other coordinate systems, and agencies supplying data in accordanse with INSPIRE must therefore ensure that they supply data and services with these:

  • LAEA - Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
  • LCC - Lambert Conformal Conic



Services such as WMS, WFS or WCS can usually supply different coordinate systems. This is documented in the metadata of the services. Information can also be find in the GetCapabilities for the service. For services supplying raster data, transformation may result in a certain amount of slowness if coordinate systems other than the original one are required. This is particularly applicable in the case of datum transformation.

EPSG Codes

Every coordinate system has its own ID in accordance with an international scheme; EPSG codes. It is important to note that there are different EPSG code variants for 2D data and 3D data.

File formats

Geonorge must supply user-friendly formats

Data users in Norway and other countries have different demands as regards the formats in which data is to be supplied. Geonorge must aim to meet these needs, as well as ensuring that formats are standardised in order to bring about an efficient spatial data infrastructure.

The Norwegian SOSI format has traditionally been used as an exchange format nationally, and this is defined as the national standard format. Internationalisation and technological development are resulting in the development of additional relevant formats.

GML is defined as the standard format for the EU's INSPIRE Directive, to which Norway is affiliated. It is natural for Geonorge to supply data in GML format in order to meet the needs of its users.

Not all formats are relevant for all topics and data types. More data is turning up as 3D, while other data uses time dimensions.  Some users need data with complex structures, while others want simple structures for easy consumption. Agencies with their own data download offerings should also be offering the same formats, so as to bring about a homogeneous supply of data formats in the Norwegian spatial data infrastructure.

The following formats are important and may be emphasised in particular in Geonorge

Standard vector formats

  • SOSI
  • GML
  • FGDB

Other vector formats

  • GPX
  • KML

Standard raster formats

  • TIFF
  • JPEG

Other raster formats

  • GRIB

We are seeing a lot of new technical development in terms of formats and APIs. Geonorge and the Norwegian spatial data infrastructure are looking towards Europe and global trends. We will be looking more closely at a number of important format and APIs in future

  • RDF
  • SOS
  • WCS

Full list of formats handled in Geonorge and the spatial data infrastructure, see

Raster formats

Vector formats


If you have any tips or information about formats that you would like to share, please submit your information to